Trauma and Sex Therapy in San Antonio, TX

Online Therapy For Individuals and Couples is Also Available Throughout Texas and Florida




Individual (50-minute)


Couples (50-Minute)

Insurance accepted as an In-network provider:

Couples Therapy is not an accepted form of payment through insurance.




Optum (accepted in Texas only)

United Healthcare

UMR (accepted in Texas only)

Healing Intimacies uses Alma to validate all insurance claims. Submit your information to them and they will send you a quote that allows you to move forward with confidence in knowing what your insurance plan covers for services!

Mental health insurance benefits vary depending on your particular insurance coverage. To determine if you have mental health coverage, check with your insurance company to find out answers to the following questions:

  • Do I have mental health benefits covered by my plan, and if so for how long?

  • Are services rendered by a licensed professional counselor covered?

  • Is any pre-approval required before obtaining mental health services?

  • Do I have a deductible or coin-insurance and if so, what is it so I am aware of the cost?


    • All insurance companies require a diagnosis and evidence that services are a “medical necessity.” In other words, psychotherapists are required to prove that there is something wrong with you.  I do not view clients in this way – I see you as a whole person, who is in need of support and understanding in navigating the challenges you face, not pathologizing diagnoses. 

    • Insurance companies have the financial upper hand and can mandate how the therapeutic process unfolds.  They often will not reimburse for couples therapy, sex therapy, and some other kinds of therapies as insurance has deemed them not “medically necessary”. It is unfortunately a broken and inadequate system

    • I am limited, at times, due to insurance companies requirements. Types of therapy services, such as sex therapy, when provided will be covered by the carrier if they deem it “medically necessary.”  As a result, therapists can treat a client, using a modality within sex therapy, if we are addressing specifically identified “medically necessity” needs that are mandated by the insurance company.